Thursday, October 13, 2011

Paige Turns five!!

I know its been a while since I have updated I apologize. We attended paiges alopecia camp in August it was amazing! Everyone had a great time especially Paige. She was a little nervous at first. I think kind of like shock because Paige doesnt get nervous, but then she made a bunch of new alopecia friends and it was like she had known them all her life! Everyone was so comfortable around each other and it was nice being around people that knew what you and your child has gone through or worried because people are starring because they werent:) There were SOOO many activities for them to do. Canoeing,swimming(in a salt water pool it sure tasted gross)arts and crafts,a goat hike,zip line, the bouncey pillow(which was ALL the kids favorite) and so much more!! Hunter learned a new game called GAGA that he LOVED it got them pretty dirty but thats ok :) we were there three full days and in the end no one wanted to leave. We are so greatful for Betsy and Jeff who put the whole thing together and look forward to going again next summer :) Ill post a few pictures from then and from Paiges birthday she just turned 5 yesterday!!!!

she has some hair growth too :) alot on her head its still really light but its there and she is growing hair on her face(peach fuzz) ears and arms!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

First Day of Preschool!

Today was Paiges first day of preschool! I couldnt believe it! She had a great time and they even have lunch as soon as they get to school. She went on and on about the food and story time :o) Im so sad but so proud of her. She was making friends before I even walked out of the class room to drop her off.
Here are some pictures of her today before school and then after at her aunties house as there barn caught fire and we went over for support.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


So there isnt much new with Paige. Her hair has had no sign of growing back in. She still has about five hairs left on her head it is so soft and shiney :) We cant imagine her with hair now.
She will be starting school on this coming monday! She is sooo excited! So far so good with kids at the school as we go through with the other two on parties and just picking them up. Everyone tells her how cute she is. The common question is how old is she? As she looks alot younger without hair. I have talked to the school about her being able to wear a hat at school if she wants to not to cover her head, but with winter approaching her head gets cold very easy and she sometimes wears a hat inside our house if there is a little chill. They have said it will be no problem at all :) I have only had a few people actually ask what was wrong which doesnt bother her or I anymore. She is such a strong and happy little girl. She is coming up on her year anniversary from when she started to lose her hair and that will make the odds of her getting her hair back even less, but that changes nothing. We love her just the same.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fall 2010

Well just as we thought Paiges hair was growing in Most of it has fallen back out.
Its ok the only problem we are having right now is the colder air and her head so we are on the search for a few more hats. She has one that her Ohma(my mom) made her that she loves, but of course it doesnt match every outfit ;) Here are some pictures of her and her brothers from yesterday when we were outside playing Mommie of course had to take some photos.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So as Paiges hair grew in most of it fell back out. So we are back to square one again. Her first appointment with Riley childrens hospital is the 28th of this month. We have to be there at 8:45am and it takes about 3 -3 1/2 hours to get there YIKES..all for probably a 30 minute appointment :S
but Paige is in good spirits. People treat her so nice and kids are always coming up asking where her hair is and saying how cute she is. I really appreciate when people ask instead of constantly stare. We all love Paige pooh so much!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Big thanks!!!

Louis Musick and
Tasha,Mike Hewlett and family
for donating twords paiges first wig :o)
just one two steps closer to getting her what she is wanting :o)
you have no idea how much i appreciate your support!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

An idea....

So i seen that on the alopecia site there is a camp for kids with alopecia i soo wish we could take paige there, Im not sure even where it is, but im sure its too far to actually drive a day...but i seen you can actually have your own events if you put it together and get the donations and what not for cool would it be to have a camp around the area and meet others like miss paigie pooh! So I might be trying to talk to the alopecia foundation on how to get set up to start trying to hold one :o) wish me luck!